Backpacking Gear


Backpacking is an excellent way to see plant in-situ, in their native environment. In this way, we can learn so much about what the plants enjoy for light, water, soil type, etc. It’s important that you have the right gear to sustain you in your expedition! Here are some items I’ve enjoyed in my explorations.

While being far from everything, it can be nice to have a safety net, with a gps and emergency communication device that works no matter how far from civilization you are. The Garmin In-Reach Mini is a tried and true lightweight option for travelers.


Water filtration is another important safety device for back-country exploration. My favorite is the Sawyer Mini for its light weight. Not to mention I prefer not to add chemicals to what I’m about to drink!


For bear protection, I like using the large Bear Vault. Yes, it’s much heavier than other options. But it doubles as a chair. And it’s accepted on more trails than other options. Not to mention you don’t need the time/skills/actual tree to hang it in!